Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL100-223 Airport and Airway Safety and Capacity Expansion Act of 1987. 1
PL100-224 Military Retirement Reform Act Technical Corrections 1
PL100-225 El Malpais National Monument and Conservation Area. 1
PL100-226 San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Appropriations Authorization 1
PL100-227 Veterans' Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 1987. 1
PL100-228 Seminole Indian Land Claims Settlement Act of 1987. 1
PL100-230 Korean War Veterans Memorial Contributions Investment 1
PL100-231 Renewable Resources Extension Act Amendments of 1987 1
PL100-232 Charitable Assistance and Food Bank Act of 1987. 1
PL100-233 Agricultural Credit Act of 1987. 1
PL100-234 Notice to Lessees Numbered 5 Gas Royalty Act of 1987. 1
PL100-235 Computer Security Act of 1987. 1
PL100-236 Selection of Court for Multiple Appeals. 1
PL100-237 Commodity Distribution Reform Act and WIC Amendments of 1987. 1
PL100-238 Federal Employees' Retirement System : Technical Corrections. 1
PL100-239 Commercial Fishing Industry Vessel Anti-Reflagging Act of 1987. 1
PL100-240 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Amendments, 1988 1
PL100-241 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 1987. 1
PL100-242 Housing and Community Development Act of 1987. 1
PL100-249 Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve Act 1