Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL102-183 Intelligence Authorization Act, FY92. 1
PL102-184 Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project Act. 1
PL102-185 U.S. International Trade Commission Chairmanship 1
PL102-186 National Sea Grant College Program Authorization Act of 1991 1
PL102-187 Clean Air Act Technical Amendment 1
PL102-190 National Defense Authorization Act for FY92-FY93. 1
PL102-191 Women's Business Development Act of 1991. 1
PL102-193 Defense Production Act of 1950 Extension 1
PL102-194 High-Performance Computing Act of 1991. 1
PL102-195 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, FY92. 1
PL102-196 Oklahoma City Native American Cultural Center 1
PL102-197 Soviet Union Most-Favored-Nation Status 1
PL102-198 Judicial Improvements Act of 1990 Technical Corrections 1
PL102-199 Boys' Clubs of America Name Change 1
PL102-200 Virginia Federal District Courts 1
PL102-201 Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument. 1
PL102-202 Monocacy National Battlefield Expansion 1
PL102-204 Patent and Trademark Office Authorization Act of 1991. 1
PL102-205 D.C. Acts Congressional Review Waiver 1
PL102-211 Bethune Council House National Historic Site. 1