Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL103-301 National Character Counts Week 1
PL103-302 Indian Dams Safety Act of 1994 1
PL103-303 D.C. Justice Reform Act of 1994 1
PL103-304 King Holiday and Service Act of 1994. 1
PL103-305 Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act of 1994. 1
PL103-306 Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations. 1
PL103-307 Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1995 1
PL103-308 National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day 1
PL103-309 Italian-American Heritage and Culture Mont 1
PL103-310 Transfer of the Old U.S. Mint in San Francisco 1
PL103-311 Hazardous Materials Transportation Authorization Act of 1994; Trucking Industry Regulatory Reform Act of 1994. 1
PL103-312 Federal Trade Commission Act Amendments of 1994. 1
PL103-313 Farmington Wild and Scenic River Act 1
PL103-314 George Washington National Forest Mount Pleasant Scenic Area Act 1
PL103-315 Gua Yatron Postal Facility 1
PL103-316 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1995. 1
PL103-317 Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1995. 1
PL103-318 Northern Great Plains Rural Development Act 1
PL103-319 National Family Caregivers Week 1
PL103-320 National POW/MIA Recognition Day 1