Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL1201 .Z467 2010 Zhongguo yu yin xue shi / 1
PL1201 .Z469 2003 Xin zhu yin yun xue / 1
PL1201 PL1201.D8 2007 The Phonology of Standard Chinese. 1
PL1205 A brief history of the Chinese language.
A brief history of the Chinese language /
Encoding and decoding of emotional speech : a cross-cultural and multimodal study between Chinese and Japanese /
PL1205 .A384 1988 Autosegmental Studies on Pitch Accent. 1
PL1205 .B88 2010 Phonetic ambiguity in the Chinese script : a palaeographical & phonological analysis / 1
PL1205 .H36 2012 Han zi zi yin yan bian da zi dian = Dictionary of phonetic evolution of Chinese characters / 1
PL1205 .H6 1976 Acoustical studies of Mandarin vowels and tones / 1
PL1205 .K37126 1972 Zhongguo sheng yun xue da gang / 1
PL1205 .L568 2007 The sounds of Chinese / 1
PL1205 .M45 2001 Shang gu Han yu tong yuan ci yu yin guan xi yan jiu / 1
PL1205 .S468 1994 You yin zong gao / 1
PL1205 .X6 2002 Xin hua pin xie ci dian = Xinhua pinxie cidian / 1
PL1209 .C43 1965 Putonghua yiduci shengyin jianzi : Pu tong hua yi du ci sheng yin jian zi / 1
PL1209 .C55 1964 Duo yin duo yi zi yong fa ju li = Duoyin duoyi zi yongfa juli / 1
PL1209 .D6 1972 The analysis of trochaic words in Chinese, comprising a dictionary of trochaic words / 1
PL1209 .D62 An introduction to the pronunciation of Chinese / 1
PL1209 .H64 Progressive exercises in Chinese pronunciation. 1
PL1209 .H7 1981 Pu tong hua zheng yin shou ce = Putonghua zhengyin shouce / 1
PL1209 .H78 1997 Pu tong hua yi du ci sheng yin biao shi li / 1