Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL1860.M45 H83 1995 Meixian fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1860.T28 X825 2018 Raoping Kejia diao cha yu yu yan lun ji / 1
PL1863 .W825 2005 A synchronic and diachronic study of the grammar of the Chinese Xiang dialects / 1
PL1869.O45 S4 1993 Shan hai jing juan / 1
PL1870.C36 C42 1998 Changsha fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1870.C53 C45 1991 Qi te de nü shu : Quan guo nü shu xue shu kao cha yan tao hui wen ji / 1
PL1870.J53 H5334 2022 Hidden letters / 1
PL1870.L68 Y46 1994 Loudi fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1870.T35 S44 1994 Taiyuan fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1873 .L5 2018 A grammar of Gan Chinese : the Yichun language / 1
PL1880.L48 L48 1995 Lichuan fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1880.N36 H75 1995 Nanchang fang yan ci dian / 1
PL1891 Intensification and modal necessity in Mandarin Chinese /
Perception and production of Mandarin tones by native speakers and L2 learners /
The acquisition of anaphora in child Mandarin : reflexive binding and argument dropping /
PL1891 .W8 2019 Intensification and modal necessity in Mandarin Chinese / 1
PL1893 Increments in Mandarin Chinese : emergent units in action /
The architecture of periphery in Chinese cartography and minimalism /
Varieties of alternatives : focus particles and wh-expressions in Mandarin /
Singapore Mandarin grammar.
PL1893 .H83 2017 Mandarin Chinese words and parts of speech : a corpus-based study / 1
PL1893 .L44 2019 Focus manifestation in Mandarin Chinese and Cantonese : a comparative perspective / 2
PL1893 .L56 2019 Encoding motion events in Mandarin Chinese : a cognitive functional study / 1
PL1893 .M26 2017 Mandarin Chinese words and parts of speech : a corpus-based study / 1
PL1893 .Y36 2016eb The acquisition of L2 Mandarin prosody : from experimental studies to pedagogical practice / 1