Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL3612 Studies in the Grammatical Tradition in Tibet. 1
PL3612 .H33 2003 A Tibetan verb lexicon : verbs, classes, and syntactic frames / 1
PL3613 Colloquial Tibetan : the complete course for beginners / 1
PL3613 .B455 2022 A textbook in classical Tibetan / 1
PL3613 .B58 1991 Tibetan phrasebook / 1
PL3613 .G55 1991 Essentials of modern literary Tibetan : a reading course and reference grammar / 1
PL3613 .G57 Modern spoken Tibetan: Lhasa dialect / 1
PL3613 .J37 1989 Tibetan grammar / 1
PL3615 .H55 2019 The historical phonology of Tibetan, Burman and Chinese /
The historical phonology of Tibetan, Burmese, and Chinese /
PL3623 .Z45 2004 Relative tense and aspectual values in Tibetan languages : a comparative study / 1
PL3636 .E55 1988 English-Tibetan-Chinese dictionary = Ying Zang Han dui zhao ci dian / 1
PL3636 .H367 1991 Han Zang dui zhao ci dian = Rgya Bod śan sbyar tshig mdzod / 1
PL3637 .B4 1997 Students English-Tibetan colloquial dictionary / 1
PL3637 .B8 Tibetan-English dictionary : with supplement / 1
PL3637.C5 A sinologist's handlist of Sino-Tibetan lexical comparisons / 1
PL3637.C5 C5 1981 Dge-bśes Chos-kyi-grags-pas brtsams paʼi Brda dag miṅ tshig gsal ba bźugs so = Gexi Quzha Zang wen ci dian : fu Han wen zhu jie. 1
PL3637.C5 F35 1991 Fan Zang Han dui zhao ci dian / 1
PL3637.C5 T73 1996 Zang Han ci dian / 1
PL3637 .D3 1970 A Tibetan-English dictionary : with Sanskrit synonyms / 1
PL3637 .D3 1976 A Tibetan-English dictionary : with Sanskrit synonyms / 1