Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL5053 .W35 1982 A grammar of Sawu 1
PL5056 .R4 Vocabulary of English-Malay (Malaya)-Malay (N.E.I.)-Javanese-Sundanese-Dutch / 1
PL5056 .R8 Russko-indoneziĭskiĭ slovarʹ. : Okolo 27 000 slov / 1
PL5059.5.T67 H56 1999 Toratán (Ratahan) / 1
PL5060 Sastera dalam budaya dan media / 1
PL5060 .A35 Literaturen / 1
PL5065.5.E5 A8 1981 ASEAN short stories / 1
PL5071 .A32 1987 Indonesian as a unifying language of wider communication : a historical and sociolinguistic perspective / 1
PL5071 .A53 2006 Album Indonesia learn Indonesian. 1
PL5071 .A85 Indoneziĭskie ︠i︡azyki. 1
PL5071 .B58 2003 A short morphology, phonology and vocabulary of Kiput, Sarawak / 1
PL5071 .E64 2003 Searching for structure : the problem of complementation in colloquial Indonesian conversation / 1
PL5071 .E64 2003eb Searching for structure : the problem of complementation in colloquial Indonesian conversation / 1
PL5071 .G7 1987 Languages of South Sulawesi / 1
PL5071 .L36 2015 Language and superdiversity : Indonesians knowledging at home and abroad / 1
PL5071 .M49 1996 North Sulawesi language survey / 1
PL5071 .R63 2002 From Malay to Indonesian : the genesis of a national language / 1
PL5071 .R63 2002x From Malay to Indonesian : the genesis of a national language / 1
PL5071 .S64 2003 The Indonesian language : its history and role in modern society / 1
PL5071 .S682 2000 Spices from the East : papers in languages of eastern Indonesia / 1