Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL529 .Y35 1989 Nihongo to Chūgokugo no shieki hyōgen ni kansuru taishō kenkyū / 1
PL529 .Y36 1998 Nihongo no katachi : taishō gengogaku kara no apurōchi / 1
PL529 .Y67 1995 Nichi-Ei hikaku dōshi no bunpō : hassō no chigai kara mita Nihongo to Eigo no kōzō / 1
PL531 .I4 Classical Japanese grammar illustrated with texts / 1
PL531 .I4 1980 Classical Japanese grammar illustrated with texts / 1
PL531 .K65 1993 Koten bunpō hikkei / 1
PL531 .K67 Koten o yomu tame no bunpō hayawakari jiten / 1
PL531 .K67 1981 Koten o yomu tame no bunpō hayawakari jiten / 1
PL531 .M6 Dictionary of selected forms in classical Japanese literature. 1
PL531 .S26 1995eb An historical grammar of Japanese / 1
PL531 .S3 An historical grammar of Japanese / 1
PL531 .V68 2020 A descriptive and comparative grammar of western Old Japanese / 1
PL531 .Y352 1952 Heian-chō bunpōshi / 1
PL531.3 .C48 1998 Chūkogo no kenkyū / 1
PL531.3 .F85 2012 Bunpōteki shigaku / 1
PL531.3 .H39 1992 Koten bunpō teiyō / 1
PL531.3 .K6 A grammar of classical Japanese / 1
PL531.3 .K68 2012 Koten bunpō no kiso / 1
PL531.3 .K89 2001 Koten ni chikazuku bunpō / 1
PL531.3 .M27 2001 Riben wen yan wen fa / 1