Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL539.5.F7 C34 1983 Cahier de grammaire japonaise / 1
PL539.5.R8 U3 Uchebnik ︠i︡aponskogo ︠i︡azyka : dl︠i︡a prodolzha︠i︡ushchikh / 1
PL540 The phonology of Japanese 1
PL540 .A83 List of 500 kanji, which appear in book I, Naganuma readers / 1
PL540 .B46 2016 ABC dictionary of ancient Japanese phonograms / 1
PL540 .B86 1997 Bunpō to onsei / 1
PL540 .C5 A phonological study of Early Modern Japanese. : On the basis of the Korean source-materials. 1
PL540 .D3 The sound system of standard Japanese : a tentative account from the teaching point of view with a discussion of the 'accent' theory (accompanied by a full translation of a Japanese account of the theory) and of word-stress (including a consideration of some Japanese acoustical work) / 1
PL540 .F74 1995 A case study in diachronic phonology : the Japanese Onbin sound changes / 1
PL540 .H37 1979 Onʻinron to seishohō : shin Nihonshiki tsuzurikata no teishō / 1
PL540 K65 Irohauta : Nihongoshi e no izanai / 1
PL540 .K65x Nihongo no onʼin / 1
PL540 .L2813 2012 The phonology of Japanese / 1
PL540 .M27 1968 The phonological component of a grammar of Japanese / 1
PL540 .M29 1987 The Japanese language through time / 1
PL540 .M59 2003 Old Japanese : a phonetic reconstruction / 1
PL540 .M59 2003eb Old Japanese a phonetic reconstruction / 1
PL540 .V36 1987 An introduction to Japanese phonology / 1
PL541 .A4 1981 Nihongo onseigaku / 1
PL541 .A52 1997 Japanese phonetics : theory and practice / 1