Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL544 .S35 2007 The Accentual History of the Japanese and Ryukyuan Languages : a Reconstruction. 1
PL544.5 .M37 2003 Intonation units in Japanese conversation : syntactic, informational, and functional structures / 1
PL544.5 .M37 2003eb Intonation units in Japanese conversation : syntactic, informational and functional structures / 1
PL544.7 .S86 2010 Storytelling across Japanese conversational genre / 1
PL544.7 .S86 2010eb Storytelling across Japanese conversational genre / 1
PL545 .E4 1960 Shin kanazukai ron / 1
PL545 .H39 1999 Nihongo no tango ninchi ni okeru hyōkisa kōka / 1
PL545 .H56 2000 A history of writing in Japan / 1
PL545 .K37 1988 Moji hyōki no kyōiku / 1
PL545 .K575 1978 Nihongo no seishohō / 1
PL545 .K96 1998 Kindai Nihongo no kenkyū : hyōki to hyōgen / 1
PL545 .S25 1999 Sanseidō shinkyū kanazukai benran / 1
PL547.57.B63 K55 2006 Kikai=shintai no poritīku / 1
PL549 .J36 1941 Tenpan yōjirei / 1
PL549 .U45 1996 Literacy and script reform in occupation Japan : reading between the lines / 1
PL549 .U45 1996eb Literacy and script reform in occupation Japan : reading between the lines / 1
PL551 Let's Learn Japanese with Hiragana and Katakana. 1
PL551 .M5 1981 Japanese: the spoken language in Japanese life / 1
PL552 .A4 1972 American national standard system for the romanization of Japanese. 1
PL558 .T35 1984 Nihon keizai no saki o yomu / 1