Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL67-542 War Risk Insurance Act Amendments, 1923. 1
PL67-545 Revenue Act of 1921 Property Exchange Amendments 1
PL67-546 Salary Adjustments for U.S. Attorneys and Marshals. 1
PL67.95.K37 S4 1996 Karachay / 1
PL68-21 Bridge Across the Hudson River Near Poughkeepsie, New York. 1
PL68-31 War Finance Corporation Act Extension, 1924. 1
PL68-35 Hawaii Federal Law Extension Act, 1924 1
PL68-37 Bridge Across Newtown Creek in New York, New York. 1
PL68-41 Republic of Finland Debt Settlement Act, 1924. 1
PL68-43 Revenue Act of 1921 Amendment. 1
PL68-45 Mill Cut and Clubfoot Creek Survey Provision. 1
PL68-46 Stone Mountain Commemorative 50-Cent Pieces. 1
PL68-47 Printing Act Amendment. 1
PL68-65 Cotton Statistics Collection and Publication, 1924. 1
PL68-67 Texas Southern Judicial District Reorganization. 1
PL68-71 Arkansas Eastern Judicial District Reorganization. 1
PL68-73 Rapid City Indian School Land Sale. 1
PL68-78 Fort Yuma Indian Reservation Land Allotment. 1
PL68-85 Miles City, Montana Land Transfer Act. 1
PL68-86 Custer County Fairground Land Grant. 1