Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL69-386 Recreation and Public Purposes Act. 1
PL69-387 Washakie National Forest Land Additions Act. 1
PL69-392 New Mexico and Arizona Forest Reserves Limitation Act. 1
PL69-399 National Society of Social Sciences Corp. Act, 1926. 1
PL69-400 Screen Wagon Postal Contract Cancellation Authorization Act. 1
PL69-401 Appointment of John Joseph Bresnahan as Navy Boatswain 1
PL69-410 D.C. Dependent Child Care Act 1
PL69-412 Retirement of Naval Captains, Commanders, and Lieutenant Commanders 1
PL69-415 Quannah Parker Monument Appropriation Authorization Act. 1
PL69-422 Naval and Marine Corps Aviation Construction 1
PL69-424 Potash Deposit Investigation Act, 1926. 1
PL69-426 Submarine Limit Cost Increase and Vessel Alterations 1
PL69-435 United States Botanic Garden Land Transfer Act. 1
PL69-436 Animal Industry Act Amendments, 1926. 1
PL69-440 Revision and Codification of the Laws of the United States, 1926. 1
PL69-441 Publication of the Codified Laws of the United States, 1926. 1
PL69-446 Army Air Corps Efficiency 1
PL69-450 Agricultural Cooperative Act, 1926 1
PL69-454 Veteran and Widow Pension Increase 1
PL69-459 Immigration Act of 1924 Amendment 1