Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL70-248 Anthropological Research Act 1
PL70-251 Idaho National Forest Land Addition Act 1
PL70-252 Challis and Sawtooth National Forest Land Additions Act 1
PL70-253 Challis National Forest Land Addition Act 1
PL70-255 Wisconsin Public Land Conveyance Act 1
PL70-264 Alaska District Court Appeals Amendments, 1928 1
PL70-269 Hawaii National Park Boundary Adjustment Act 1
PL70-270 Cotton Uses Investigation Act 1
PL70-273 D.C. Park Police Salary Amendments, 1928. 1
PL70-274 Recreational Act Extension, 1928. 1
PL70-278 Southern Great Plains Horticultural Experiment Work Act 1
PL70-279 Consolidating National Forest Lands Act Extension 1
PL70-282 Active Duty War Credit for Retired Coast Guard Officers. 1
PL70-284 Vicksburg National Military Park Easement Authorization 1
PL70-288 Prohibition of Wearing, Manufacturing, or Selling of Unauthorized War Department Medals 1
PL70-289 Indiana Southern Court District Establishment, 1928. 1
PL70-290 Homestead Taxation Act, 1928. 1
PL70-293 Employment of Civilian Caretakers for National Guard Organizations 1
PL70-302 Porto Rican Taxpayers Relief, 1928 1
PL70-304 Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge Establishment Act 1