Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL726.67.S62 N35 2013 Sono "minshū" to wa dare na no ka : jendā, kaikyū, aidentiti / 1
PL726.67.S65 K56 2022 Kakumeiteki chishikijin no gunzō : kindai Nihon no bungei hihyō to shakai shugi / 1
PL726.67.W3 N54 2012 Nihon kindai bungaku to sensō : "Jūgonen sensō" ki no bungaku o tsūjite / 1
PL726.67.W65 I43 2010 Imag(in)ing the war in Japan : representing and responding to trauma in postwar literature and film / 1
PL726.67.W65 I43 2010eb Imag(in)ing the war in Japan : representing and responding to trauma in postwar literature and film / 1
PL726.67.W65 S46 1999 Sensō wa dono yō ni katararete kita ka / 1
PL726.7 .K39 2010 Shōwa bundan no keisei / 1
PL726.7 .K656 2006 Kotoba no chikara heiwa no chikara : kindai Nihon bungaku to Nihonkoku kenpō / 1
PL726.7 .T7 1976 Senji-taiseika no bungakusha / 1
PL726.7 .Y3 1977 Teihon sensō bungakuron / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.1 Haikyo no kanōsei : gendai bungaku no tanjō / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.2 "Taishū" no tōjō : hīrō to dokusha no 20--30-nendai / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.3 "Tenkō" no meian : "Shōwa jūnen zengo" no bungaku / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.4 Senjika no bungaku : kakudaisuru sensō kūkan / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.5 Sengo to iu seido : ̄b sengo shakai no kigen o motomete / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.6 Daitenkanki : "60-nendai" no kōbō / 1
PL726.75 .B86 1997 v.7 Ribu to iu "kakumei" : kindai no yami o hiraku / 1
PL726.75.F32 Shock and Naturalization in Contemporary Japanese Literature.
The aesthetics of Japanese fascism
PL726.75.F32 T36 2009 The aesthetics of Japanese fascism / 3
PL726.75.W3 G66 2018 Puropaganda no bungaku : Nitchū Sensō ka no hyōgenshatachi = Literature as propaganda / 1