Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL729 .F37 1985 Fasshon haiku o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 .G35 1993 Geijutsu bunka o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 .H2964 2009 Haiku and modernist poetics / 1
PL729 .H2964 2009eb Haiku and modernist poetics 1
PL729 .H2965 1994 Hana to sōju o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 .H4 1934 The bamboo broom : an introduction to Japanese haiku / 1
PL729 .H48 1985 The haiku handbook : how to write, share, and teach haiku / 1
PL729 .H544 1996 The haiku seasons : poetry of the natural world / 1
PL729 .H55 1995 Iro to hikari no haiku o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 .I5 1968 Shoki haikai no tenkai. 1
PL729 .J675 2008 Josei haiku no shuppatsu / 1
PL729 .J85 1985 Jūkyo no haiku o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 K34 1992 Kami to hotoke o yomu tame ni / 1
PL729 .K38 1995 Shōwa haiku esupuri nūbō no suimyaku / 1
PL729 .K63 1995 Haiku no sekai : hassei kara gendai made / 1
PL729 .M49 1974 Gendai haiku kanshō jiten / 1
PL729 .M5 1989 Haiku kanshō jiten / 1
PL729 .N254 1999 Kono michi ni kojin nashi : Rikyū soshite Bashō Buson Shiki / 1
PL729 .N35 1968 Haiku o tanoshiku / 1
PL729 .O93313 2021 Well-versed : exploring modern Japanese haiku / 1