Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL75-323 Farm Credit Act of 1937 1
PL75-327 Alaska Air Mail Surcharge, 1937 1
PL75-328 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Amendment 1
PL75-332 Judicial Code District Courts Amendment, 1937 1
PL75-336 Everglades National Park Amendments 1
PL75-338 Naturalization of Alien Veteran Time Extension 1
PL75-343 Conveyance of Certain land to the State of Montana 1
PL75-344 New Mexico Land Conveyance Act 1
PL75-349 Bank-Robbery Statute Amendment 1
PL75-350 Vessel Measurements on the Panama Canal 1
PL75-353 Unemployment-Compensation Fund Appropriation Authorization, 1937 1
PL75-357 Protection of Pension Benefits for Peacetime Veterans 1
PL75-360 Bridge Across Sinepuxent Bay Near Ocean City Maryland 1
PL75-362 District of Columbia Alcoholic Beverage Control Act Amendment, 1937 1
PL75-364 Pipestone National Monument Establishment 1
PL75-365 Increased Pay for Enlisted Court Reporters 1
PL75-368 Oklahoma Mineral Production Taxes Transfer Act 1
PL75-370 District of Columbia Adoption Proceeding Regulation Act 1
PL75-371 Oil and Gas Leases Relief Authorization, 1937 1
PL75-376 Ketchikan, Alaska Bonds Authorization, 1937 1