Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL78-424 Fixing C.O.D. and Special Delivery Fees, 1944 1
PL78-425 Department of Agriculture Organic Act of 1944 1
PL78-428 Nationality Act Amendment, 1944 1
PL78-429 Materials on Public Lands Disposal Act, 1944 1
PL78-430 Moores Creek National Military Park Land Donation Act 1
PL78-431 Expatriating Persons for Military Service Evasion 1
PL78-432 Nationality Act Amendments, 1944 1
PL78-433 Los Angeles County Land Relinquishment 1
PL78-434 Veterans' Homestead Credit Act 1
PL78-435 Ketchikan, Alaska Construction Bonds Authorization Act 1
PL78-436 Common Carrier Reduced Fair for Military Personnel 1
PL78-438 Counterfeiting Prevention Act. 1
PL78-439 Army and Navy Venereal Disease Pay Forfeiture Repeal Act 1
PL78-440 Duluth, Minnesota, Land Conveyance Act 1
PL78-441 American and Territorial Service for Women Naval and Coast Guard Reservists 1
PL78-442 Oil and Gas Lease Extension, 1944 1
PL78-444 Nationality Act Amendments, 1944 1
PL78-446 Additional Lands and Flowage Easements for the Pleasant Hill Reservoir, Ohio, Authorization 1
PL78-447 Coast Guard Auxiliary and Reserve Act of 1941 Amendment. 1
PL78-448 War Overtime Pay Act of 1943 Amendment 1