Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL81-266 Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 1950 1
PL81-271 Free Importation to Armed Forces Members 1
PL81-272 Cotton and Wheat Quota Adjustment Act, 1949 1
PL81-273 Weber Basin Reclamation Project Authorization 1
PL81-276 Big Bend National Park Land Addition Act 1
PL81-277 Air Star Route Contracts 1
PL81-280 Government Royalty Oil Contract Amendments, 1949 1
PL81-284 Revenue Bonds for Territory of Hawaii Extension 1
PL81-285 Custody of Insane Persons Charged with or Convicted of Offenses 1
PL81-286 Additional Rehabilitation Assistance for Certain Seriously Disabled Veterans 1
PL81-291 Acadia National Park Land Exchange Act 1
PL81-293 Petersburg National Military Park Land Addition Act 1
PL81-294 Puerto Rico Supreme Court Justices Salary Act 1
PL81-295 Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 Amendments 1
PL81-297 Army and Air Force Vitalization and Retirement Equalization Act of 1948 Amendment 1
PL81-298 Logan International Airport 1
PL81-300 Taxation in the Territory of Alaska 1
PL81-302 Navajo Indian Tribal Land Conveyance Act 1
PL81-303 Reclassification of Crow Indians 1
PL81-306 Federal Reservations and Defense Areas School Assistance Act 1