Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL83-281 Federal Restrictions Upon Indians Termination 1
PL83-283 Nonbeverage Product Drawback Tax Act 1
PL83-287 Technical Changes Act of 1953 1
PL83-290 Cotton Marketing Quotas Adjustment Act, 1954 1
PL83-291 Missing Persons Act Continuation 1
PL83-294 Omnibus Judgeship Act of 1953 1
PL83-296 Hawaii Land Transfer Authorization 1
PL83-297 Hawaiian Homes Commission Land Exchange Act 1
PL83-299 Cash Relief for Certain Employees of the Canal Zone Government Act of 1954 1
PL83-305 First Preference System Under Lanham Act 1
PL83-307 Armed Forces Personnel Strength 1
PL83-309 Mexican Agricultural Workers Amendments to the Agricultural Act of 1949 1
PL83-311 Veterans Disability Ratings Reduction Prohibition Act 1
PL83-313 Regular Army Medical Service Corps Colonel Per Centum 1
PL83-315 Windsor Locks, Connecticut, Land Conveyance Act 1
PL83-318 Instruction of Belgium Students at Naval Academy and Thai Students at Military Academy 1
PL83-321 Communications Act of 1934 Amendment 1
PL83-324 Excise Tax Reduction Act of 1954 1
PL83-325 Air Force Academy Act 1
PL83-328 Bataan Day Observation 1