Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL83-722 Tennessee Valley Authority Land Conveyances Act 1
PL83-727 Agricultural Emergency Loans Act 1
PL83-731 School Construction Program Assistance Act 1
PL83-732 Nationwide School Absorption Rate Postponement Act 1
PL83-734 Pro Rata Sharing of Foreign Claims Against U.S. Military Personnel 1
PL83-736 Pan American Institute of Geography and History Authorization 1
PL83-737 Overseas Federal Employees Travel Expenses Amendments of 1954 1
PL83-740 Title 13 United States Code 1
PL83-743 Universal Copyright Convention Implementation 1
PL83-744 War Claims Act Amendments of 1954 1
PL83-745 National Park Service Amendments 1
PL83-746 Railroad Retirement and Unemployment Amendments 1
PL83-751 Refugee Relief Act of 1953 Amendment 1
PL83-754 Commodity Credit Corporation Borrowing Power Increase 1
PL83-758 Relief for the Federal Republic of Germany, 1954 1
PL83-759 Foreign Service Act of 1946 Amendment 1
PL83-761 Social Security Amendments of 1954 1
PL83-763 Federal Employees Pay Act Amendment of 1954 1
PL83-765 Military Family Housing Act 1
PL83-767 Unemployment Compensation Program Extension Act 1