Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL86-344 Excise Tax Technical Changes Act of 1959 1
PL86-346 Second Liberty Bond Act Amendment, 1959 1
PL86-352 Child Health Day Re-designation 1
PL86-354 Federal Credit Union Act 1
PL86-360 Merchant Marine Act, 1936 Amendment 1
PL86-361 Lighthouse Service Retirement Pay Increase Act 1
PL86-362 Federal Employees Legal Holidays Act of 1959 1
PL86-363 Immigration and Nationality Act Amendments 1
PL86-365 Air Pollution Control Act Extension, 1959 1
PL86-367 Small Business Act Amendments of 1959 1
PL86-368 Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service Appointment Act 1
PL86-370 Basic Compensation for Government Positions Re-establishment Act 1
PL86-371 Federal Employees Withholding of State Income Taxes Amendments 1
PL86-372 Housing Act of 1959 1
PL86-373 Atomic Energy Commission State Cooperation Act 1
PL86-374 Savings and Loan Holding Company Regulation Act 1
PL86-376 Adoption Tax Exemption and Small Business Clarification Act 1
PL86-377 Additional Civilian Positions for the Department of Defense 1
PL86-379 National Zoological Park Police Force Salary Increase 1
PL86-381 1959 Amendment to the Texas City Disaster Relief Act 1