Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL86-476 Little Rock, Arkansas Air Force Aircraft Crash Claims 1
PL86-478 Firearm Excise Tax Amendments 1
PL86-479 Chicory Duty Temporary Suspension Extension 1
PL86-480 Florida Land Conveyance Act 1
PL86-482 Naval Vessel Loans to Canada and China 1
PL86-485 U.S. Flag Presentation to Hawaii 1
PL86-486 Payment of Claims to Japan 1
PL86-487 Bent's Old Fort National Historic Site Establishment 1
PL86-493 Motor Vehicle Exhaust Research Act 1
PL86-496 Railroad Corporation Indebtedness and Receivership Tax Act 1
PL86-498 Reconstruction Finance Corporation Payment in Lieu of Taxes Extension Act 1
PL86-502 mall Business Investment Act Amendments of 1960 1
PL86-504 Bankruptcy Act Closing Fee Amendment 1
PL86-507 Certified Mail Use Act, 1960 1
PL86-511 Debt Remission for Discharged Naval Enlistees 1
PL86-513 Uniform Postal Requirements for Publications Act, 1960 1
PL86-514 Oxnard Harbor District, Port Hueneme, California, Land Conveyance Act 1
PL86-516 Correction of Fishing Vessel Construction Inequities 1
PL86-517 Mulitple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960 1
PL86-518 Vessel Life Extensions 1