Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL87-525 Heath Crossing, Texas Bridge Construction Act 1
PL87-526 Extending Certain Military Service Laws to the Coast Guard 1
PL87-527 Texas and Pacific Railway Company Additional Authorities 1
PL87-528 Supplemental Air Carriers 1
PL87-531 Increase in Basic Allowance for Quarters for Uniformed Services Members 1
PL87-532 Bridge Across the Rio Grande River Authorization 1
PL87-533 Name Change of the Hydrographic Office to the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office 1
PL87-534 Bureau of Mint Statutes Act 1
PL87-535 Sugar Act Amendments of 1962 1
PL87-536 Reserve Officers' Training Corps Appointment an a Coast and Geodetic Survey Officer 1
PL87-537 Retirement Pay for Retired Enlisted Armed Forces Members Prior to June 1, 1958 1
PL87-538 National Public Works Week Designation 1
PL87-539 Honeybee Importation Act and Sugar Act of 1948 Amendments 1
PL87-541 Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1955 Amendment 1
PL87-542 Elephant Butte and Caballo Reservoir Area Recreational Facilities Act 1
PL87-543 Public Welfare Amendments of 1962 1
PL87-544 Payments of Benefits to Beneficiaries of Deceased Veterans 1
PL87-545 Second Supplemental Appropriation Act, 1962 1
PL87-546 War Orphans' Educational Assistance Amendment 1
PL87-547 Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace and Sagamore Hill National Historic Sites Establishment Act 1