Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL88-292 Written Declarations in Lieu of Oaths for Patent Applications 1
PL88-293 Cochiti Reservoir Permanent Pool Authorization Act 1
PL88-294 Atomic Energy Act of 1954 Amendment 1
PL88-295 Supplemental Appropriation, Department of Labor, Fiscal Year 1964 1
PL88-296 Supplemental Appropriation for Disaster Relief, FY 1964 1
PL88-297 Agricultural Act of 1964 1
PL88-298 Seventeenth International Publishers Congress Act 1
PL88-299 Microfilming of Presidential Papers Increase Authorization 1
PL88-300 American-Mexican Chamizal Convention Act of 1964 1
PL88-301 Indian Timber Sale Amendment 1
PL88-302 Colorado River Indian Reservation Beneficial Ownership 1
PL88-303 Alamo Band of Puertocito Navajo Land Trust Act 1
PL88-304 Blackfeet Indian Irrigation Project Piegan Unit Conveyance Act 1
PL88-305 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Amendment 1
PL88-306 Petitions Before the Federal Communications Commission Filing Time 1
PL88-307 Federal Communications Commission Special Temporary Authorizations 1
PL88-308 Bartlett Act (Three Mile Fishery Jurisdiction) 1
PL88-309 Commercial Fisheries Research and Development Act of 1964 1
PL88-310 U.S. Participation in International Development Association 1
PL88-311 Alaska Omnibus Act Grant Increase Amendment 1