Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL88-58 Additional Assistant Secretary of Treasury Act 1
PL88-59 Federal Employees Health Benefits Act of 1959 Amendment 1
PL88-60 District of Columbia Court of General Sessions Establishment Act 1
PL88-61 Packers and Stockyards Act Amendment 1
PL88-62 Robert S. Kerr Lock and Dam and Reservoir Designation 1
PL88-63 Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Promotions 1
PL88-64 Tulelake Wheat Acreage Allotments Increase 1
PL88-65 International Labor Organization Constitutional Amendment Acceptance Authorization 1
PL88-66 Alaska Sale of Public Lands 1
PL88-67 Inland Waterways Corporation Act Repeal 1
PL88-68 Tobacco Lease Acreage Allotments Extension 1
PL88-69 International Bureau for the Protection of Industrial Property U.S. Participation Amendment 1
PL88-70 Members of the House of Representatives Transportation Expenses 1
PL88-71 Coast and Geodetic Survey Retired Officers' Medical Care 1
PL88-72 Atomic Energy Commission Appropriations Authorization Act, 1964 1
PL88-73 Henderson, Nevada, Land Conveyance Act 1
PL88-74 Research Facilities Act 1
PL88-75 Lead-Zinc Small Producers Stabilization Act of Oct. 3, 1961 Amendment 1
PL88-76 Peanut Definition Extension 1
PL88-77 Military Medals Award Amendment 1