Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL89-617 Commission on Political Activity of Government Personnel Establishment Act 1
PL89-618 Delmarva Peninsula Hydrologic Study and Investigation Authorization Act 1
PL89-619 Transfer of Three Paintings to the Federal Republic of Germany 1
PL89-620 Alaska Agricultural Experiment Station Conveyance 1
PL89-621 Estate Tax Marital Deduction Amendment 1
PL89-622 Dependency and Indemnity Compensation Amendment 1
PL89-623 Extend Provisions for Treble-Damage Actions 1
PL89-624 Reclamation Projects, Rights-of-Way Compensation Act 1
PL89-625 Veterans Administration Brokers' Fees Act 1
PL89-626 Fort Lyon Veterans Hospital Jurisdiction 1
PL89-627 D.C. Fourteenth Street Bridge Replacement Authorization Act 1
PL89-628 Trinity College of Washington Charter Amendments 1
PL89-629 Biloxi, Mississippi. Land Conveyance Act 1
PL89-630 Pinellas County, Florida Land Conveyance Act 1
PL89-631 Georgetown University Charter Amendments 1
PL89-632 Additional Positions in Certain Federal Departments and Agencies 1
PL89-633 Farmers Home Administration Insured Loans Prepayment Act 1
PL89-634 Beirut Agreement Implementation 1
PL89-635 Indian Tribes Civil Actions in Federal District Courts Limitation Amendment 1
PL89-636 Foreign Service Buildings Act of 1926 Amendments 1