Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL90-530 Muckleshoot Judgment Fund Disposition Act 1
PL90-531 Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Judgment Fund Disposition Act 1
PL90-532 Designation of Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge Wilderness Area 1
PL90-533 Chicksaw Nation Judgement Fund Disposition Act 1
PL90-534 Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Land Use 1
PL90-535 Prohibition of Interstate Transport of Forged Traveler's Checks 1
PL90-536 Tennessee Valley Authority Act Trial Proceedings Amendment 1
PL90-537 Colorado River Basin Project Act 1
PL90-538 Handicapped Children's Early Education Assistance Act 1
PL90-539 Central Intelligence Agency Retirement Act of 1964 Amendment 1
PL90-540 Flaming Gorge Recreational Area Act 1
PL90-541 Continuing Appropriations 1969 1
PL90-542 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act 1
PL90-543 National Trails System Act 1
PL90-544 Designation of Washington State National Parks and Wilderness Areas 1
PL90-545 Redwood National Park Establishment 1
PL90-546 Oklahoma Pawnee Land Trust Act 1
PL90-547 Water Resources Planning Act Amendment 1
PL90-548 Designation of Mount Jefferson Wilderness Area 1
PL90-549 Fish Protein Concentrate Experimental Plant Reduction 1