Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL92-201 Further Continuing Appropriations FY1972 1
PL92-202 District of Columbia Appropriation Act, 1972 1
PL92-203 Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act 1
PL92-204 Department of Defense Appropriation Act, 1972 1
PL92-205 Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972 1
PL92-206 Shoshone Judgement Fund Disposition Act 1
PL92-207 Capitol Reef National Park, Utah, Establishment Act 1
PL92-208 Relief of Richard C. Walker and U.S. Federal District Court in Louisiana 1
PL92-209 Reconstruction of Private Nonprofit Medical Care Facilities Damaged in Major Disasters 1
PL92-210 Economic Stabilization Act Amendments of 1971 1
PL92-211 District of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act Amendments of 1971 1
PL92-212 Duty-Free Entry of Gifts from Members of the Armed Forces in Combat Zones 1
PL92-213 Housing Laws Extension Act 1
PL92-214 Migratory Bird Hunting Stamp Fees Act 1
PL92-215 Authorizing an Additional Assistant Secretary of Defense 1
PL92-216 Joint Economic Report Time Extension 1
PL92-217 92nd Congress second session 1
PL92-218 National Cancer Act of 1971 1
PL92-219 Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967 Amendment 1
PL92-220 District of Columbia Election Act Amendments 1