Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL92-478 Great Dismal Swamp and Dismal Swamp Canal Preservation Study Authorization Act 1
PL92-479 Involuntary Active Duty for Coast Guard Reservists During Emergencies 1
PL92-480 Stockbridge Munsee Land Trust Act 1
PL92-481 Extra Leave for Service Members that Voluntarily Extend Duty Tours in Hostile Fire Areas 1
PL92-482 Continuance of Incentive Pay to Uniformed Service Members after Termination of Missing Status 1
PL92-483 Gunboat "Cairo" Restoration and Reconstruction Act 1
PL92-484 Technology Assessment Act of 1972 1
PL92-485 Indian Tribe Commencing Actions Extension 1
PL92-486 National Sokol Day Proclamation 1
PL92-487 Irrigation and Drainage System Construction 1
PL92-488 Burns Indian Colony Land Trust Act 1
PL92-489 Establishment of the Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate System 1
PL92-490 South Pacific Commission, U.S. Participation 1
PL92-491 D.C. National Firefighting Museum and Center for Fire Prevention Land Conveyance Act 1
PL92-492 Establishment of National Guard Unit in Virgin Islands 1
PL92-493 Designation of Lava Beds Wilderness Act 1
PL92-494 International Agency for Research on Cancer Annual US Payment Authorization 1
PL92-495 District of Columbia Public Utilities Reimbursement Act of 1972 1
PL92-496 Civil Rights Commission Extension and Expansion 1
PL92-497 U.S. Participation on the Hague Conference on Private International Law and the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law 1