Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL94-50 Emergency Housing Act of 1975 1
PL94-51 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Interim Extension, 1975 1
PL94-52 Office of Environmental Quality; Council on Environmental Quality Appropriation Authorization 1
PL94-53 Valley Forge State Park U.S. Flag Display Act 1
PL94-54 U.S. Coast Guard Appropriation Authorization Act 1
PL94-55 International Travel Act of 1961 Amendment 1
PL94-56 Federal Railroad Safety Authorization Act of 1975 1
PL94-57 Congressional Employees Payroll Deductions 1
PL94-58 Offshore Shrimp Fisheries Act Amendments of 1975 1
PL94-59 Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1976 1
PL94-60 Federal Savings and Loan Associations Clarification Act. 1
PL94-61 Wheat Marketing Year Adjustment Amendment 1
PL94-62 Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 Appropriation Authorization 1
PL94-63 Public Health Service Act Amendments. 1
PL94-64 Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure Amendments Act of 1975 1
PL94-65 Thomas J. Watson, Junior, Board of Regents Reappointment 1
PL94-66 Doctor John Nicholas Brown Board of Regents Reappointment 1
PL94-67 Robert E. Lee Citizenship Restoration Act 1
PL94-68 Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act Amendments 1
PL94-69 National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere Appropriation Authorization 1