Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL95-315 Small Business Energy Loan Act 1
PL95-316 Marine Mammal Protection Act Appropriation Authorizations, 1979-81 1
PL95-317 Civil Service Retirement Annuities Payments to Surviving Spouses Act of 1978 1
PL95-318 Civil Service Employees Restoration of Retirement Annuities Act of 1978 1
PL95-319 Emergency Interim Consumer Product Safety Standard Act of 1978 1
PL95-320 Federal Banking Agency Audit Act 1
PL95-321 Public Lands Grazing Fee Moratorium of 1978 1
PL95-322 Standard Reference Data Act Appropriation Authorization 1
PL95-323 Merchant Marine Academy Nominees from D.C., Guam, and the Virgin Island 1
PL95-324 Federico Degetau Federal Building Designation 1
PL95-325 National Grandparents Day 1
PL95-326 North Pacific Fisheries Act of 1954 Amendments 1
PL95-327 Cheyenne-Arapaho Indian Tribes Land in Trust Act 1
PL95-328 Ak-Chin Indian Community Water Rights Settlement 1
PL95-329 Oklahoma Creek Nation Indians Land Trust Act 1
PL95-330 Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Department of Agriculture, 1978 1
PL95-331 Peace Corps Act Amendments of 1978 1
PL95-332 Urgent Appropriation for Black Lung Program, FY 98 1
PL95-333 Public Debt Limit Increase 1
PL95-334 Agricultural Credit Act of 1978. 1