Call Number (LC) Title Results
PL97-124 National Guard Tort Claims. 1
PL97-125 Union Station Redevelopment Act of 1981. 1
PL97-126 'John Archibald Campbell United States Courthouse' Designation 1
PL97-127 Czechoslovakian Claims Settlement Act of 1981. 1
PL97-128 Army Corps of Engineers Projects Deauthorization Act 1
PL97-129 Toxic Substances Control Act Amendment 1
PL97-130 Record Carrier Competition Act of 1981. 1
PL97-131 National Patriotism Week 1
PL97-132 Multinational Force and Observers Participation Resolution 1
PL97-133 97th Congress Second Session 1
PL97-134 Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1981. 1
PL97-135 National Scleroderma Week 1
PL97-136 Coast Guard Appropriation Authorization, FY 1982. 1
PL97-137 Bandon Marsh National Wildlife Refuge Establishment. 1
PL97-138 National Energy Education Day 1
PL97-139 Bicentennial Year of the American Bald Eagle and National Bald Eagle Day 1
PL97-140 Water Supply Storage Projects Act 1
PL97-141 Federal Physicians Comparability Allowance Amendments of 1981 1
PL97-142 Acquisition of Osage Indian Minerals 1
PL97-143 U.S. Capitol Police Protection Authority 1