Call Number (LC) Title Results
PM2501 .R83 1987 Tuscarora roots, stems, and particles : towards a dictionary of Tuscarora / 1
PM2501 .W5 1976 A grammar of Tuscarora / 1
PM2501.Z5 R8 1999 Tuscarora-English/English-Tuscarora dictionary / 1
PM2513 .K56 1991 Upper Chehalis dictionary / 1
PM2515 .G58 2011 Ute reference grammar / 1
PM2515 .G58 2011eb Ute reference grammar / 1
PM2515 .G67 1972a Ute lexical and phonological patterns / 1
PM2515.Z5 G48 2016 Ute dictionary / 1
PM2531.Z5 F67 2007 Comparative Wakashan dictionary / 1
PM2544 .A8 2010 DVD Âs nutayuneân We still live here / 1
PM2544 .A826 2010 Âs Nutayuneân = We still live here /
Âs Nutayuneân We still live here /
PM2544 .A826 2010d  
PM2547 .S28 1991 Wappo studies / 1
PM2547 .T46 2006 A reference grammar of Wappo / 1
PM2547 .T46 2006eb A reference grammar of Wappo /
A reference grammar of Wappo
PM2583 .B38 1990 Western Apache language and culture : essays in linguistic anthropology / 1
PM2583 .B39 1996 Wisdom sits in places : landscape and language among the Western Apache / 1
PM2583 .B39 1996eb Wisdom sits in places : landscape and language among the Western Apache / 1
PM2583 .R48 2006 A practical grammar of the San Carlos Apache language / 1
PM2583 .W47 1998 Western Apache-English dictionary : a community-generated bilingual dictionary / 2