PM5468.9.M86 T9418 2007
Txeg Txeg egu Kay Kay feichi antü ñi chaliwnhon = El día que Txeg Txeg y Kay Kay no se saludaron : cuento mapuche / |
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PM5469 ebook
El mapudungún de Santiago de Chile : creación neológica y vitalidad interna / |
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PM5476 .G64 2009eb
The Arawak language of Guiana / |
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PM5476 .N44 2014eb
Negation in Arawak languages / |
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Linguistic stratigraphy : recovering traces of lost languages in the Central Andes / |
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PM5572 .C65 2014eb
A grammar of Muylaq' Aymara : Aymara as spoken in Southern Peru / |
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PM5573 .H372 2001
Aymara / |
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PM5573 ebook
Aproximación a la morfología verbal del aymara de Chile : implicancias pedagógicas / |
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PM5576 .P3
Vocablos aymaras en el habla popular paceña ; folklore. |
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PM5578.2 .A76 1998
Río de vellón, río de canto : cantar a los animales, una poética andina de la creación / |
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PM5578.9.E76 K39 2017
Kaypi jaqhaypi = Por aquí, por allá / |
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PM5579 .A96 1981
The Aymara language in its social and cultural context : a collection essays on aspects of Aymara language and culture / |
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PM5582 .F7
Gramática yebámasá : lingüística aplicada / |
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PM5582 .J66 1991
Barasano syntax / |
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PM5582 .S6
Gramática tagmémica del barasano del sur / |
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PM5596 .A665 1995
Bare / |
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PM5606 .D36 2007
Baure : an Arawak language of Bolivia / |
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PM5634 .S454 2005
The structure and use of shape-based noun classes in Miraña (north west Amazon) / |
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PM5634 .T483 2012
A grammar of bora : with special attention to tone / |
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PM5690.Z5 D5
Diccionario español-cakchiquel-inglés / |
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