Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1376 .I53 1993 Ballads and boundaries : narrative singing in an intercultural context : proceedings of the 23rd International Ballad Conference of the Commission for Folk Poetry (Société Internationale d'Ethnologie et de Folklore), University of California, Los Angeles, June 21-24, 1993 / 1
PN1376 .K4 On the history of the ballads, 1100-1500 / 1
PN1376 .P6 Poetic origins and the ballad. 1
PN1376 .P6 1962 Poetic origins and the ballad. 1
PN1376 .P7 Probleme der Volksballadenforschung / 1
PN1376 .R6 The perilous hunt : symbols in Hispanic and European balladry / 2
PN1376 .R644 1980 The perilous hunt : symbols in Hispanic and European balladry / 1
PN1376 .W35 1996 The walled-up wife : a casebook / 1
PN1381 .F5 Stories of famous songs / 1
PN1381 .F5 1906 Stories of famous songs. 1
PN1386 .R67 2000 The poets' Jesus : representations at the end of a millennium / 1
PN1386 R67 2000eb Poets' Jesus : Representations at the End of a Millennium. 1
PN1386 .S5 Die religiöse lyrik des mittelalters. : (Das nachleben der Psalmen) / 1
PN1389 The Penguin book of elegy : poems of memory, mourning and consolation /
The poetry of loss : romantic and contemporary elegies /
A funerall elegie vpon the death of the as noble as vertuous prince, Lodouick Duke of Lenox, and Richmond, &c. who deceased at White Hall the 16. of Februarie, 1623.
The city lament : Jerusalem across the medieval Mediterranean /
PN1389 .B34 1697 Two books of elegies in imitation of the first books of Ovid de Tristibus, with part of the third to which is added verses upon several occasions with some translations out of the Latin and Greek poets /
Verse upon several occasions with some translations out of the Latin and Greek poets /
PN1389 .B78 1646 A fvnerall elegie vpon the mvch lamented death of that most reverend, pious, and judiciovs divine John Polyander of Kerckhoven, doctor and cheife [sic] professor of divnitie [sic] in the famous Vniversitie of Leyden, and there the 8th time magnificus rector. 1
PN1389.D36 1699 A funeral elegy humbly dedicated to the renowned memory of the honourable, Thomas Danforth Esq. of Cambridge, sometimes deputy governour in the colony of the Massachusetts-Bay, and president of the province of main; and one of His Majesties honourable council. Judge of the superiour court in the providence of the Massachusetts-Bay in New England; who (after he had long served his generation by the will of God in several high stations) did to our inconceivable loss, but his unparallel'd gain, rest from all his labours, on the sacred day of rest, the memorable 5th of November : Anno Domini. 1699. 1
PN1389 .E44 1663 An elegy on the death of Mr. Nalton, with some memorial reflections on the death of Mr. Fuller, Mr. Ash, Mr. Cooke, and some other ministers. 1
PN1389.E44 1663 An elegie on the death of that learned and pious divine Mr. John Gibbon, late minister of St. Anne Black-Friers, London 1
PN1389.E44 1690 An elegy on the unfortunate, though glorious deaths, of that most noble Prince and famous general Frederick Duke of Schomberg, and the reverend and truly valiant Dr. George Walker, who were both unhappily slain at the battle of Duleek, near Dublin in Ireland, which was fought on the first of this instant July. 1