Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1389 .E532 1655 An Elegy upon ye immature losse of the most vertuous Lady Anne Riche 1
PN1389 .E54 1683 An Elegy on the death of Sir Edmond Saunders, late Lord Chief Justice of England who died the 19th of June 1683. 2
PN1389 .E54 1685 The Elegy on that Reverend Presbyter Mr. William Jenkins who finisht his obstinacy the 19th of January in the goal of Newgate, where are above fourscore dissenters of almost as many of the several scattered churches remaining : in a dialogue between dispair and comfort, in imitation of a former elegy in dialogue between faith and sense seiz'd and supprest by authority. 2
PN1389 .F36 2016 The fall of cities in the Mediterranean : commemoration in literature, folk-song, and liturgy / 1
PN1389.F86 1676 A funeral elegy upon the death of that excellent and most worthy gentleman John Winthrop Esq. late governor of His Majestyes colony of Conecticot [sic]; who deceased April , 1676 1
PN1389 .H37 2023 The poetry of loss : romantic and contemporary elegies / 1
PN1389.J66 1661 Elegies on the much lamented death of the Right Honorable the Earl of Mountrath 1
PN1389.J66 1664 Threnodia in orbitum honoratissimi Wentworthi kildariæ comitis baronis de Ophalia, &c. serenissimo Carolo II magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ & Hiberniæ Regi à secretioribus hoc in regno conciliis. 1
PN1389 .L3 Placing sorrow : a study of the pastoral elegy convention from Theocritus to Milton / 1
PN1389 .L36 2008 Lament : studies in the ancient Mediterranean and beyond / 1
PN1389 .L36 2008eb Lament : studies in the ancient Mediterranean and beyond / 1
PN1389 .M3 The cry of Rachel : an anthology of elegies on children / 1
PN1389.M77 1690 Mrs. Mehetabel Holt a person of early piety, and quck understanding in the fear of the Lord, was born at Newbury in New-England, and died at Bishop-Stoke, September 30th. 1677. Ætat. 38. 1
PN1389 .O84 2010 The Oxford handbook of the elegy /
The Oxford handbook of the elegy
PN1389 .R53 1664 An elegy on the death of the worthily honoured the Lord Charles Rich 1
PN1389.S43 1680 A second elegy to the memory of that worthy gentleman Collonel Thomas Blood vvho departed this life on the 26th of August 1680. With a detection of several aspersions thrown upon him by popish malice to blast his memory. 1
PN1389 .S48 1699 Augusta lacrimans a funeral poem to the memory of the Honourable Sir Josiah Child, Kt. &c. / 1
PN1389 .Z45 1997 Beyond consolation : death, sexuality, and the changing shapes of elegy / 1
PN1401 .C35 2007 Calliope's classroom : studies in didactic poetry from antiquity to the Renaissance / 1
PN1412 .S3 Musa iocosa : Gattungspoetik und Gattungsgeschichte der erotischen Dichtung in Deutschland. 1