Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN1412 .S3 | Musa iocosa : Gattungspoetik und Gattungsgeschichte der erotischen Dichtung in Deutschland. | 1 |
PN1414 | The Routledge global haiku reader / | 1 |
PN1414 .R68 2024 | The Routledge global haiku reader / | 1 |
PN1415 .D6 | Der heroische Brief : Bestandsaufnahme, Geschichte, Kritik einer humanistisch-barocken Literaturgattung / | 1 |
PN1421 .H4 |
The pastoral The pastoral / |
2 |
PN1421.K373 2016 | T. Calpurnius Siculus : a Pastoral Poet in Neronian Rome. | 1 |
PN1421 .L4 1972 | The uses of nostalgia : studies in pastoral poetry. | 1 |
PN1421 .L577 1933 | Der Mythos vom goldenen Zeitalter in den Schäferdichtungen Italiens, Spaniens und Frankreichs zur Zeit der Renaissance. | 1 |
PN1421 .P6 1975 | The oaten flute : essays on pastoral poetry and the pastoral ideal / | 1 |
PN1421 .S34 1988 | Mourning and panegyric : the poetics of pastoral ceremony / | 1 |
PN1421 .S85 | An essay upon pastoral as also an elegy dedicated to the ever blessed memory of Her Most Serene Majesty Mary the Second, Queen of England / | 2 |
PN1421 .W35 1987 | A cure for love : a generic study of the pastoral idyll / | 1 |
PN1435 .R63 2009 | Mock-epic poetry from Pope to Heine / | 1 |
PN1435 .W6 1985 | Literary satire and theory : a study of Horace, Boileau, and Pope / | 2 |
PN1441 .C6 1965 | Traitté de l'épigramme et Traitté du sonnet / | 1 |
PN1441 .E64 1560 | An epytaphe, [...] Godlye Constaut, [...] | 1 |
PN1441 . F69 1594 | Epitaphe vpon the death of Sir Iohn Seton of Barns Knight, ane [sic] of the lords of our soueranes priuie counsell and session. | 1 |
PN1441 .F69 1594 | A funeral sonet, written vpon the death of the honorable, and maist vertuous gentlewoman, Elizabeth Dowglas, spouse to M. Samuell Cobuurne laird of Temple-Hall. | 1 |
PN1441 .F69 1597 | An epitaphe vpon the death of the Right Honorable, M. Robert Bowes Esquire, thesaurer of Barwick: who ended this life, the sixteenth of November, 1597. Being at that present ambassadour for the Queenes Majestie, to the King of Scotland. | 1 |
PN1441 H49 1562 | Of a number of rattes mistaken for diuelles in a mans sloppes. | 1 |