Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN171.D37 Z56 1983 | Writing with a word processor / | 1 |
PN171 .D4 |
[The sea-mans kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sunne, moone, and certaine of the most notable fixed starres] To the right vertuous, and truely religious lady, the Lady Margaret Chiborne (late wife to that worthy, and worshipfull gentleman, Sir Charles Chiborne, serieant at the lawe, deceased) long life and good daies, with increase of grace here, and eternall glorie hereafter. |
2 |
PN171 .D4 1566 | [A briefe and piththie [sic] some of the Christian faith, made in forme of a confession,] [vvith a confutation of all such superstitious errours, as are contrary therevnto] / | 1 |
PN171.D4 A57 1611 | [Anti-Coton, or, A Refutation of Cottons letter declaratorie] [lately directed to the Queene Regent, for the apologizing of the Iesuites doctrine, touching the killing of kings : a booke, in which it is proued that the Iesuites are guiltie, and were the authors of the late execrable parricide, committed vpon the person of the French King, Henry the Fourth, of happie memorie : to which is added, a Supplication of the Vniuersitie of Paris, for the preuenting of the Iesuites opening their schooles among them, in which their king-killing doctrine is also notably discouered, and confuted / | 1 |
PN171.D4 B8 | Dedications : an anthology of the forms used from the earliest days of book-making to the present time / | 1 |
PN171.D4 C85 2008 | Cui dono lepidum novum libellum? : dedicating Latin works and motets in the sixteenth century / | 3 |
PN171.D4 D65 2017 | Dediche e avvisi ai lettori / | 1 |
PN171.D4 G4 1933A | An anthology of Elizabethan dedications and prefaces / | 1 |
PN171.D4 G4 1966 | An anthology of Elizabethan dedications & prefaces. | 1 |
PN171.D4 S38 2015 | Mary I and the art of book dedications royal women, power, and persuasion / | 1 |
PN171.D4 S38 2021 | Princesses Mary and Elizabeth Tudor and the gift book exchange / | 1 |
PN171.D4 T36 | [The sea-man's kalender, or, An ephemerides of the sun, moon, and certain of the most notable fixed stars] [as also a table of the longitude and latitude of all the most eminent places of the world / | 1 |
PN171.D4 T4 | [In praise of the author Iohn Thomas] | 1 |
PN171.D4 T6 | [To the worsp: Elias Ashmole Esqr. This ancient almanack yet still in use in his native country of Staffordshire, in memory of his favours is gratefully dedicated by R.P.L.L.D] | 1 |
PN171.D4 W5 | The dedication of books to patron and friend : a chapter in literary history / | 1 |
PN171.D4 W55 | Index of dedications and commendatory verses in English books before 1641. | 1 |
PN171.D4 W67 | [The types unvailed, or, The gospel pick't out of the legal ceremonies] [whereby we may compare the substance with the shadow, written for the information of the ignorant, for their help in reading of the old testament / | 1 |
PN171.F56 |
Estilo Chicago en acción : cómo citar y elaborar referencias / Estilo MLA en acción : como citar y elaborar referencias / EndNote 1-2-3 Easy! Reference Management for the Professional / Annotations in Scholarly Editions and Research : Functions, Differentiation, Systematization / |
4 |
PN171.F56 B84 2010eb | Vanishing act : the erosion of online footnotes and implications for scholarship in the digital age / | 1 |
PN171.F56 .C37 2022 | Magical reference management software / | 1 |