Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN171.F6 L58 2018 Literary forgery in early modern Europe, 1450-1800 / 1
PN171.F6 L68 2002 Attributing authorship : an introduction / 1
PN171.F6 L68 2002eb Attributing authorship : an introduction /
Authorship and attribution : an introduction /
PN171.F6 M36 2015 Manufacturing a past for the present : forgery and authenticity in medievalist texts and objects in nineteenth-century Europe / 1
PN171.F6 M36 2015eb Manufacturing a past for the present : forgery and authenticity in medievalist texts and objects in nineteenth-century Europe / 1
PN171.F6 M37 2012 Mystifications au XIXe siècle : un homme de lettres non recommandées / 1
PN171.F6 M55 2018 Impostors : literary hoaxes and cultural authenticity / 1
PN171.F6 M55 2020 Impostors : literary hoaxes and cultural authenticity / 1
PN171.F6 M64 1978 Literary detection : how to prove authorship and fraud in literature and documents / 1
PN171.F6 O88 2021 Fake it : fictions of forgery / 2
PN171.F6 P5 Artifices et mystifications littéraires. 1
PN171.F6 P74 1988 Les Presses grises : la contrefaçon du livre, XVIe-XIXe siècles / 1
PN171.F6 P8 Pseudepigrapha / 1
PN171.F6 R67 2000 Practice to deceive : the amazing stories of literary forgery's most notorious practitioners / 1
PN171.F6 R87 2006 Fictions and fakes : forging Romantic authenticity, 1760-1845 / 1
PN171.F6 S45 L'information en France avant le périodique : 517 canards imprimés entre 1529 et 1631 / 1
PN171.F6 S74 1991 Crimes of writing : problems in the containment of representation / 1
PN171.F6 S74 1991eb Crimes of writing : problems in the containment of representation / 1
PN171.F6 V53 2014 Textual deceptions : false memoirs and literary hoaxes in the contemporary era / 1
PN171.F6 V53 2014eb Textual deceptions : false memoirs and literary hoaxes in the contemporary era / 1