Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN171.F56 .T57 2021eb Tips to cite information using MLA 9.
Tips to cite information using APA 7.
PN171.F56 U84 2017 Using sources practice. 1
PN171.F56 U842 2017 Using sources practice. 1
PN171.F56 W35 1998 The Columbia guide to online style / 1
PN171.F56 W35 2006 The Columbia guide to online style / 2
PN171.F56 .W75 2021eb Writing a works cited page in APA 7 format.
Writing a works cited page in MLA 9 format.
PN171.F56 Z422 2015 Analysis and visualization of citation networks / 2
PN171.F56 Z47 2001 The devil's details : a history of footnotes / 1
PN171.F56 Z47 2002 The devil's details : a history of footnotes / 1
PN171.F6 Fakes and Forgeries of Written Artefacts from Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern China /
The house of forgery in eighteenth-century Britain /
Forgers and critics : creativity and duplicity in western scholarship /
PN171.F6 A27 2005 Learning from lying : paradoxes of the literary mystification / 1
PN171.F6 F26 1989 Fakes and frauds : varieties of deception in print & manuscript / 1
PN171.F6 F3 Literary forgeries / 1
PN171.F6 F74 2014 Bibliotheca fictiva : a collection of books & manuscripts relating to literary forgery 400 BC-AD 2000 / 1
PN171.F6 G74 1990 Forgers and critics : creativity and duplicity in western scholarship / 1
PN171.F6 G74 2019 Forgers and critics : creativity and duplicity in Western scholarship / 1
PN171.F6 I47 2011 Imposturas literarias españolas / 1
PN171.F6 I7 1979 La broma literaria en nuestros días : Max Aub, Francisco Ayala, Ricardo Gullón, Carlos Ripoll, César Tiempo / 1
PN171.F6 I77 2008 Can you ever forgive me? : memoirs of a literary forger / 1
PN171.F6 K38 2009 Telling tales : a history of literary hoaxes / 1