Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1992.3.U5 V35 1991 Television criticism : approaches and applications / 2
PN1992.3.U5 V36 Variety and Daily variety television reviews.
Variety television reviews.
PN1992.3.U5 V66 2003 The magic window : American television, 1939-1953 / 1
PN1992.3.U5 V66 2003eb The magic window : American television, 1939-1953 / 1
PN1992.3.U5 W35 1998 The broadcast television industry / 2
PN1992.3.U5 W38 1986 Watching television : a Pantheon guide to popular culture / 1
PN1992.3.U5 W39 2008 Defining visions : television and the American experience in the 20th century / 1
PN1992.3.U5 W4 1990 The expanding vista : American television in the Kennedy years / 1
PN1992.3.U5 W49 1999 The showrunners : a season inside the billion-dollar, death-defying, madcap world of television's real stars / 2
PN1992.3.U5 W5 The golden age of television : notes from the survivors / 2
PN1992.3.U5 W53 TV, the casual art / 1
PN1992.3.U6 Pioneers of B Television : Independent Producers, Series and Pilots of The 1950s / 1
PN1992.3.U6 B35 2008 A word from our viewers : reflections from early television audiences / 1
PN1992.3.U6 C85 1989 Cultural transfer or electronic imperialism? : the impact of American television programs on European television / 1
PN1992.3.U6 E34 2007 The Columbia history of American television / 1
PN1992.3.U6 O97 2003 Archie Bunker's America : TV in an era of change, 1968-1978 / 1
PN1992.3.U6 Q35 2007 Quality TV : contemporary American television and beyond / 1
PN1992.3.U6 S555 2007 You can't air that : four cases of controversy and censorship in American television programming / 1
PN1992.3.V5 N48 2019 Television in post-reform Vietnam : nation, media, market / 1
PN1992.4 The answer is ... reflections on my life / 1