Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
PN1992.55 .T415 2015 | The television genre book / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .T45 2001 | The television genre book / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .T46 2015 | Television, social media, and fan culture / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .T47 2005 | Thinking outside the box : a contemporary television genre reader / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .T8 2009eb | TV formats worldwide : localising global programs / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .T85 2000 | Watching television audiences : cultural theories and methods / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .V36 1994 | Programming for TV, radio, and cable / | 2 |
PN1992.55 .V37 1985 | International flow of television programmes / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .V53 1980a | The role of visual elements in the learning of television news by adolescents / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .W44 2016 | Spectacular television : exploring televisual pleasure / | 1 |
PN1992.55 .W55 1993 | Watching television : hermeneutics, reception, and popular culture / | 1 |
PN1992.55 ebook | EnseƱanzas iniciales. lengua castellana 2 : trabajo en una televisiĆ³n local / | 1 |
PN1992.56 .M3 | Television and history / | 1 |
PN1992.56 .T45 2001 | Television histories : shaping collective memory in the media age / | 2 |
PN1992.58 .S6 | Seven glorious days, seven fun-filled nights : one man's struggle to survive a week watching commercial television in America. | 1 |
PN1992.6 |
Videology and utopia explorations in a new medium / Television and social behavior : beyond violence and children : a report of the Committee on Television and Social Behavior, Social Science Research Council / Ideological octopus : an exploration of television and its audience / Remote control : television, audiences, and cultural power / Use and abuse of television : a social psychological analysis of the changing screen / Videology and utopia : explorations in a new medium / Public interests : media advocacy and struggles over U.S. television / Prime-time society : an anthropological analysis of television and culture / Consumer culture and TV programming / TELEVISUALITY style, crisis, and authority in american television. Television and the Public Sphere : Citizenship, Democracy and the Media. Channeling cultures : television studies from India / Media & values : intimate transgressions in a changing moral and cultural landscape / Television and the self : knowledge, identity, and media representation / Transmission: Toward a Post-Television Culture (Second Edition). How television shapes our worldview : media representations of social trends and change / What's Good on TV : Understanding Ethics Through Television. Equal time : television and the civil rights movement / Entertainment-education behind the scenes : case studies for theory and practice / Assault on the small screen : representations of sexual violence on prime-time television dramas / Satiric TV in the Americas : critical metatainment as negotiated dissent / Television Scales Ideological Octopus : an Exploration of Television and its Audience. LATE-NIGHT IN WASHINGTON : political humor and the american presidency. Charles De Gaulle and the media : leadership, TV and the birth of the Fifth Republic / Politics is a joke! : how TV comedians are remaking political life / |
31 |
PN1992.6 .A24 1996 | Television and society / | 1 |
PN1992.6 .A37 2006 | Television in South Asia : cultural scenario and future directions / | 1 |
PN1992.6 .A38 2001 | Vulgarians at the gate : trash TV and raunch radio : raising the standards of popular culture / | 2 |
PN1992.6 .A492 2016eb | Ambient screens and transnational public spaces / | 1 |