Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1995 .H65213 2017eb Cinema, trance and cybernetics / 1
PN1995 .H7875 2014 Chuan yue dian ying kan xin li / 1
PN1995 .H79 The sociology of film art / 1
PN1995 .H855 2005 Now playing at the Valencia : Pulitzer Prize-winning essays on the movies / 1
PN1995 .H856 1972 Scrutiny of Cinema. 1
PN1995 .H87 Focus on film and theatre. 1
PN1995 .H88 The making of Henry v / 1
PN1995 .H94 2017 Cinema and narrative complexity : embodying the fabula / 1
PN1995 .H94 2017eb Cinema and narrative complexity : embodying the fabula / 2
PN1995 .H9424 2022 Enacting the worlds of cinema / 1
PN1995 .I1813 1998 The memory of Tiresias : intertextuality and film / 1
PN1995 .I1813 1998eb The memory of Tiresias intertextuality and film / 1
PN1995 I245 2013eb Maquiavelo frente a la gran pantalla : cine y política / 1
PN1995 .I537 1986 Incredibly strange films / 1
PN1995 .I565 1997 In the eye of the beholder : critical perspectives in popular film and television / 2
PN1995 .I5654 2017 Indefinite visions : cinema and the attractions of uncertainty / 1
PN1995 .I5655 2004 Movies and the mind : theories of the great psychoanalysts applied to film / 1
PN1995 .I75 IRIS. 1
PN1995 .I77 2008 Toward a new film aesthetic / 1
PN1995 .I785 2008 Runa Islam : Restless subject [exhibition], Kunsthaus Zürich, Museum Folkwang, Essen / 1