Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1995.9.A74 Production design & the cinematic home / 1
PN1995.9.A74 A35 1995 Sets in motion : art direction and film narrative / 1
PN1995.9.A74 A78 2015 Art Direction and Production Design.
Art direction and production design /
PN1995.9.A74 B3 2004 Production design : architects of the screen / 1
PN1995.9.A74 D47 2009 Design and popular entertainment / 1
PN1995.9.A74 D69 2019 Understanding design in film production : using art, light, and locations to tell your story / 1
PN1995.9.A74 D69 2019eb Understanding design in film production : using art, light & locations to tell your story / 1
PN1995.9.A74 E34 2010 British film design : a history / 1
PN1995.9.A74 E88 1999 Production design & art direction / 1
PN1995.9.A74 F36 2005 Fan hua sheng fang : Xianggang dian ying mei shu, 1979-2001 = Wild blooms of imagination : art direction in Hong Kong Films, 1979-2001 / 1
PN1995.9.A74 G53 2002 Mise-en-scène : film style and interpretation / 2
PN1995.9.A74 H35 2013 Production design / 1
PN1995.9.A74 H45 1990 Hollywood art : art direction in the days of the great studios / 1
PN1995.9.A74 H46 1997 Production design in the contemporary American film : a critical study of 23 movies and their designers / 1
PN1995.9.A74 H47 2017 Dirección de arte para producciones audiovisuales / 1
PN1995.9.A74 L6 1992 By design : interviews with film production designers / 1
PN1995.9.A74 L63 2002 The filmmaker's guide to production design / 1
PN1995.9.A74 L845 2000 Movie worlds : production design in film = das Szenenbild im Film / 1
PN1995.9.A74 N54 2020 Happiness by design : modernism and media in the Eames era / 1
PN1995.9.A74 O48 1999 Art direction for film and video /
Art direction for film and video