Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1995.9.B62 F35 2020 Muscles in the movies : perfecting the art of illusion / 1
PN1995.9.B62 F69 2011 Body shots : Hollywood and the culture of eating disorders / 2
PN1995.9.B62 F69 2011eb Body shots : Hollywood and the culture of eating disorders / 1
PN1995.9.B62 H65 2002 Impossible bodies : feminity and masculinity at the movies /
Impossible bodies : femininity and masculinity at the movies /
PN1995.9.B62 M66 2022 Hands on film : actants, aesthetics, affects / 2
PN1995.9.B62 P56 2020eb Fat on film : gender, race and body size in contemporary Hollywood cinema / 1
PN1995.9.B62 R56 2008 Deleuze and the cinemas of performance : powers of affection / 1
PN1995.9.B62R56 2008 PN1995.9.B62 Deleuze and the Cinemas of Performance : Powers of Affection. 2
PN1995.9.B62 T83 2020eb The peripatetic frame : images of walking in film / 1
PN1995.9.B62 W38 2023eb The human figure on film : natural, pictorial, institutional, fictional / 1
PN1995.9.B67 Border visions : identity and diaspora in film /
Border cinema : reimagining identity through aesthetics /
PN1995.9.B67 B665 2019 Border cinema : reimagining identity through aesthetics / 1
PN1995.9.B67 B67 2013eb Border visions : identity and diaspora in film / 1
PN1995.9.B67 ebook Cine y frontera : territorios ilimitados de la mirada / 2
PN1995.9.B67 N54 2020 Miraculous realism : the French-Walloon cinéma du Nord / 1
PN1995.9.B67 T73 2018 Transnational cinema at the borders : borderscapes and the cinematic imaginary / 1
PN1995.9.B675 K56 2023 Israeli Bourekas films : their origins and legacy / 1
PN1995.9.B68 G48 2006 From Broadway to the Bowery : a history and filmography of the Dead End Kids, Little Tough Guys, East Side Kids and Bowery Boys films, with cast biographies / 1
PN1995.9.B68 G48 2006eb From Broadway to the Bowery : a history and filmography of the Dead End Kids, Little Tough Guys, East Side Kids and Bowery Boys films, with cast biographies / 1
PN1995.9.B69 Fight Pictures : a History of Boxing and Early Cinema. 2