PN1995.9.D6 F67 2013
Latin American documentary filmmaking : major works / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F67 2013eb
Latin American documentary filmmaking : major works / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F67 2022
The classical animated documentary and its contemporary evolution / |
1 |
PN1995.9.D6 F69 2010
Documentary media : history, theory, practice / |
1 |
PN1995.9.D6 F735 2023
Francophone African women documentary filmmakers : beyond representation / |
1 |
PN1995.9.D6 F736185 2019
Say what happened : a story of documentaries / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F7363 2012
The art of nonfiction movie making / |
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PN1995.9.D6.F7363 2012eb
The art of nonfiction movie making / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F7375 2016eb
Story Money Impact : funding media for social change / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F74 2021
The female gaze in documentary film : an international perspective / |
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PN1995.9.D6 .F754 2016
PN1995.9.D6 F86 2010
Fumikoeru dokyumentarī / |
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PN1995.9.D6 F868 2019
Documentary filmmaking in contemporary Brazil : cinematic archives of the present / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G39 2011
American documentary film : projecting the nation / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G417 2008
Dokumentalʹnoe kino Rossii, 2009 : spravochnik = Documentary cinema of Russia, 2009 : the directory / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G45 2011eb
American documentary film : projecting the nation / |
3 |
PN1995.9.D6 G48 2021
A philosophical history of documentary, 1895-1959 / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G54 2018
Los Angeles documentary and the production of public history, 1958-1977 / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G65 2003
The documentary makers : interviews with 15 of the best in the business / |
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PN1995.9.D6 G73 2009
100 documentary films / |
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