Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1995.9.N49 B63 2005 Street smart : the New York of Lumet, Allen, Scorsese, and Lee / 1
PN1995.9.N49 C58 2007 City that never sleeps : New York and the filmic imagination / 1
PN1995.9.N49 C58 2007eb City that never sleeps : New York and the filmic imagination / 2
PN1995.9.N49 C64 2021 New York in cinematic imagination : the agitated city / 1
PN1995.9.N49 C67 2011 Starring New York : filming the grime and the glamour of the long 1970s / 1
PN1995.9.N49 G76 2003 Scenes in the city : film versions of Manhattan before 9/11 / 1
PN1995.9.N49 S23 2022 Fear City Cinema The Dark Side of New York in Film, 1965-1995. 1
PN1995.9.N49 S27 2013 Scenes from the city : filmmaking in New York / 1
PN1995.9.N49 S3 2006 Scenes from the city : filmmaking in New York, 1966-2006 / 1
PN1995.9.N494 L46 2011eb Touring the screen : tourism and New Zealand film geographies / 1
PN1995.9.N53 B97 2022 Welcome to Elm Street : inside the film and television nightmares / 1
PN1995.9.N55 H53 1999 Shows about nothing : nihilism in popular culture from the Exorcist to Seinfeld / 2
PN1995.9.N55H53 2011 Shows about Nothing : Nihilism in Popular Culture. 1
PN1995.9.N55 H53 2012 Shows about nothing : nihilism in popular culture / 1
PN1995.9.N55 M37 2017 Cinematic nihilism : encounters, confrontations, overcomings / 2
PN1995.9.N55 S76 2006 Nihilism in film and television : a critical overview, Citizen Kane to The Sopranos / 1
PN1995.9.N59 M66 1998 Nixon on stage and screen : the thirty-seventh president as depicted in films, television, plays and opera / 1
PN1995.9.N66 A24 2016 Ex-centric migrations : Europe and the Maghreb in Mediterranean cinema, literature, and music / 2
PN1995.9.N66 S38 2011 Screening integration : recasting Maghrebi immigration in contemporary France / 1
PN1995.9.N66 S38 2011eb Screening integration : recasting Maghrebi immigration in contemporary France / 1