PN1997.85 .N27 2000
Film adaptation / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .N54 2007eb
Nineteenth-century American fiction on screen / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .N56 1999
Nineteenth-century women at the movies : adapting classic women's fiction to film / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .N6 1989
No, but I saw the movie : the best short stories ever made into film / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .N68 2018
Novels into film : adaptations & interpretations / |
1 |
PN1997.85 P477 2021
The American Comic Book Industry and Hollywood. |
1 |
PN1997.85 .P48 1972
Pete and Tillie : Tillie and Pete, or The last streetcar / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .Q56 2007
The adaptation of a literary text to film : problems and cases in "adaptation criticism" / |
1 |
PN1997.85 R39 2013eb
Silk road of adaptation : transformations across disciplines and cultures / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .R53 2021
Film Phenomenology and Adaptation : Sensuous Elaboration / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .R63 2023
Race, Nation and Cultural Power in Film Adaptation / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .R87 2005eb
Russian and Soviet film adaptations of literature, 1900-2001 : screening the word / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .S33 2019
Screening the author : the literary biopic / |
2 |
PN1997.85 .S36 1981
Der verwandelte Text : Wege zu einer Theorie der Literaturverfilmung / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .S38 2012
Science fiction film, television, and adaptation : across the screens / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .S39 2013
Screening text : critical perspectives on film adaptation / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .S44 1992
The art of adaptation : turning fact and fiction into film / |
1 |
PN1997.85 S5 1986
Filming literature : the art of screen adaptation / |
1 |
PN1997.85 .S57 2014
Adaptation theory and criticism : postmodern literature and cinema in the USA / Gordon E. Slethaug. |
1 |
PN1997.85 .S59 2011
Analyzing literature to film adaptations : a novelist's exploration and guide / |
1 |