Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN1998.3.V45 C36 2004 Ventura Pons : la mirada libre / 1
PN1998.3.V46 A5 2016 Paul Verhoeven : interviews / 1
PN1998.3.V46 S3413 1997 Paul Verhoeven / 1
PN1998.3.V46 S3413 1997x Paul Verhoeven / 1
PN1998.3.V474 Dziga Vertov : life and work /
Digital humanities and film studies : visualising Dziga Vertov's work /
PN1998.3.V474 H53 2007 Dziga Vertov : defining documentary film / 1
PN1998.3.V474 M33 2018 Dziga Vertov : life and work / 1
PN1998.3.V474 V48 2006 Verschiedenes über denselben : Dziga Vertov 1896-1954 / 1
PN1998.3.V54 A3 1988 King Vidor / 2
PN1998.3.V55 T46 2005 Jean Vigo / 1
PN1998.3.V556 P43 2007eb Agustí Villaronga / 1
PN1998.3.V558 The films of Denis Villeneuve / 2
PN1998.3.V57 A89 1986 Su Visconti : materiali per una analisi critica / 1
PN1998.3.V57 B34 1998 Visconti : explorations of beauty and decay / 2
PN1998.3.V57 G3713 2009 Visconti : insights into flesh and blood / 1
PN1998.3.V57 H46 2021 Luchino Visconti and the alchemy of adaptation / 1
PN1998.3.V57 H83 2012 Visconti and the German Dream : Romanticism, Wagner and the Nazi Catastrophe in Film. 1
PN1998.3.V57 M52 1996 Luchino Visconti : un profilo critico / 2
PN1998.3.V57 R47 2022 Luchino Visconti : filmmaker and philosopher / 1
PN1998.3.V57 V46 2006 Venezia nel cinema di Luchino Visconti : da Senso di Camillo Boito a Morte a Venezia di Thomas Mann / 1