Call Number (LC) Title Results
PN2061 .K38 1996 Acting=life / 1
PN2061 .K52 Psychology of acting : a consideration of its principles as an art / 1
PN2061 .K545 2009eb  
PN2061 .K545 2010 The science of acting / 1
PN2061 .K545 2010eb The science of acting
The science of acting /
PN2061 .K6 1984 The disreputable profession : the actor in society / 1
PN2061 .K65 2012 An actor's craft : the art and technique of acting / 1
PN2061 .K7868 1997 Fundamental acting : a practical guide / 1
PN2061 .K7868 1998 Fundamental acting : a practical guide / 1
PN2061 .L375 2022 Bergson and durational performance : (re)ma(r)king time / 1
PN2061 .L375 2023 Latinx actor training / 1
PN2061 .L388 2005 112 acting games : a comprehensive workbook of theatre games for developing acting skills / 2
PN2061 .L389 2007 Acting games for individual performers : a comprehensive workbook of 110 acting exercises / 1
PN2061 .L39 1980 Advice to the players / 2
PN2061 .L83 2012 The Expressive Actor : Integrated Voice, Movement and Acting Training. 1
PN2061 .L83 2013eb The expressive actor : integrated voice, movement, and acting training / 1
PN2061 .L84 2011 Toward a general theory of acting : cognitive science and performance / 1
PN2061 .M18 1966 Acting is believing : a basic method / 1
PN2061 .M18 1975 Acting is believing : a basic method / 1
PN2061 .M18 1991 Acting is believing : a basic method / 1